Holistic Strength Training

An 8-week Holistic Strength Training program that builds muscle, burns fat, and promotes consistency through a mindful approach to exercise.

Holistic Strength Training begins October 6th.

In this 8-week live training you will:

  • Get a complete beginner-friendly, low impact guide to building strength safely and effectively.
  • Learn the secrets to weight training that will help you feel more confident using weights, at home or in the gym.
  • Discover how to determine what your body needs on a weekly vs monthly basis, so you can better understand how workouts are designed and how to create your own.
  • Understand how to modify exercises, so you can cater to current aches or injuries, avoid new injuries and still exercise consistently.
Personal Training Program

The idea of using weights can be scary.

Where do you start? 

What exercises should you do?

And, how do you know if you’re doing it right?

You may be worried you’ll bulk up, look stupid, or worse, get injured.

Or maybe you’ve been injured in the past and are cautious about bringing weights back into your routine.

I was there too.

I used to avoid using weights because

1) I didn’t know how, and

2) when I tried, my lower back always got hurt and I’d spend the next week trying to recover.

I’ve gone through many trials and errors of how to safely use weights so you don’t have to.

Join the 8-Week Holistic Strength Training program!

Personal Training Program

Research shows:

Muscle loss is the greatest contributor to age-related decline in overall physical and mental health.

Muscle loss is associated with problems like insulin resistance, fat gain, poor metabolism, heart issues and weak bones.

After age 30, adults experience 3-8% loss of muscle mass per decade. 

After 50, muscle loss increases to 5-10%.


 Research also shows that strength training – with weights, weight machines, or resistance bands – can help build and maintain muscle mass and strength.


In fact, researchers are now advocating for a public health mandate for sensible resistance training.

Personal Training Program

Introducing Holistic Strength Training

An 8-week program that will help increase your stamina, endurance and energy, by walking you through the foundations of resistance training. 


This strength training program is designed to empower you to feel confident using weights at home – which will transfer easily to the gym (if you want it to).

From October 6th – November 29th, you will:

  • Burn fat and build muscle, so you can improve your metabolism, reduce your risk for heart disease and feel strong in your body.
  • Find routines that fit into your busy schedule and compliment your body, no more one-size-fits all approach.
  • Feel empowered to workout on your own, because you understand the foundations of strength training.
  • Improve your sleep, resulting in more natural energy throughout the day
  • Feel less reactive and calmer in your mind, so you feel more in control of your life.


You’re ready to start a new conversation about how you show up for yourself and how you feel in your body…

and you know Strength Training is a piece of that puzzle.


  • 8-week at home workout program geared towards building strength through progressive strength training & mindfulness. 
  • Access to 3 live 45-minute classes every week. Guided live on Zoom & recorded so you have the option to attend live or watch the replay.
  • Your live class weekly schedule includes:
    • MONDAYS 5:30pm PST – Pilates Strength
    • WEDNESDAYS 5:30pm PST – Yoga Strength
    • FRIDAYS 8am PST – Cardio Strength
  • A calendar & action plan of your workout schedule, accompanied by video links to dive into the training. 
  • Weekly educational & inspirational emails with additional resources to keep you motivated & consistent.
  • Over $700 in BONUS training, includes: daily breathing practices, stretching videos, supplement guide, seasonal adjustment guide, Fall cleanse guide & more!
You CAN make healthier choices and movement more of a habit.

You just need the right plan.

And you don’t have to figure this all out on your own.

That’s why I’m here.

I’m eager to be on your team, so I can support you in being your strongest self!

"Jessi knows her stuff. I tried out lots of trainers before I found Jessi, but none of them knew functional anatomy or could correct my form like she does. Good form has helped me get results."
Holistic Strength Training
Mike S.
“Jessi caters to your body and mind’s needs. It’s not just about nutrition tips or movement motivation, but also acceptance and mindfulness. Since working with Jessi, I’ve learned to quiet the voices that hold me back from showing up for my well-being and I’ve been able to push my body past points I never thought were possible. I have more mobility, and bounce back quicker from hard situations both physically and mentally. I love her online classes, they help me keep to a regular schedule and Jessi is good at cueing even through those tiny screens. I also love how Jessi always seems to cue exactly what I need in the exact moment I need it! She is an attentive and knowledgeable trainer, and I highly recommend her.”
Penny M.
“Jessi's energy is inspiring and it is apparent that her well thought out workouts and precise cues are grounded in a deep knowledge of how our bodies work. Her guidance has helped me finally connect to my core, even from across the screen! Jessi offers a real value with her programs by providing a variety of physical training through functional fitness along with yoga and pilates, with personal coaching and spiritual musings between workouts that support your whole being. Jessi McMaster is an outstanding resource for anyone looking for inspiration, support, and true wellbeing.”
Liv G.

This Holistic Strength Training program will work for you even if...

You’ve used weights in the past, but didn’t like them – 

You’re new to weights or unsure about how to use them – 

You’re scared you’ll get injured – 

You don’t want to bulk up – 

"Jessi is a wonderful trainer and incredibly knowledgeable about health and exercises. Her high energy is motivating and she knows how to modify for your needs so you can achieve your goals. She showed me a road map and a guide to increase my mobility, strength, balance and general wellbeing for past couple of months. Jessi takes time to listen and evaluate your body movement and makes necessary modifications."
Parisa R.

This Holistic Strength Training Live Program takes you through 8-weeks of workouts, daily self-care practices and resistance training education.

You can customize it to fit your schedule & lifestyle & will have access to all the replays, from the live classes, from October 6th – November 29th.



  • 8-week at home workout program geared towards building strength through progressive strength training & mindfulness. You’ll receive 5 days of exercises per week, with 2 rest & recovery days (released M-F, with rest days on Saturday & Sunday, but can be adjusted based on your schedule).
  • Access to live 45-minute virtual classes every week. These classes are guided live on Zoom & recorded so you have the option to attend live or watch the replay (available same day). 
  • Your live class weekly schedule includes:
    • MONDAYS 5:30pm PST – Yoga & Weights
    • WEDNESDAYS 5:30pm PST – Pilates & Weights
    • FRIDAYS 8am PST – Cardio & Strength
  • A calendar & action plan of your workout schedule, accompanied by video links to dive into the training. 
  • Weekly educational & inspirational emails with additional links & resources to keep you motivated. 

Plus, check out all these BONUSES!


  • BONUS* 5 minute Daily Breathing Practices – prerecorded videos you can follow along with to mindfully anchor your awareness on slow & steady breathing for your day. (Value $88)
  • BONUS* Weekly 5 Minute Stretching Videos – prerecorded videos you can follow along with to stretch chronically tight muscles like the hip flexors, shoulders, neck, calves & hamstrings. (Value $88)
  • BONUS* Supplement Guide – includes suggested, all-natural, supplements to help enhance your workouts, increase your energy levels & improve your rest & recovery. (Value $111)
  • BONUS* Seasonal Adjustments Guide – lifestyle & fitness suggestions – from Ayurveda –  to best support you during the current season of the year. (Value $111)
  • BONUS* Fall Cleanse Guide – a simple approach to cleansing your body-mind, so you can be your healthiest self for the seasonal shift from summer to fall. (Value $111)
  • BONUS* 4 Spotify Music Playlists – to uplift your daily routines & put you in the mood for showing up as your best self. (Value $priceless)

Is Holistic Strength Training Your Vibe?

This program is a perfect fit if you are:

"Jessi does an amazing job of keeping me motivated. Her energy and enthusiasm for healthy living is contagious. She pushes me to finish that last rep or that last squat. She is creative in her workouts and leaves us sweating!!! She takes the time to show us the “right” way to avoid injury. I have a bad knee and she makes sure to push me the right way and provides alternative methods to avoid issues. She checks in with positivity and holds me accountable can’t wait for the next round!!! She’s a rockstar!"
Timarie B.
"Jessi is so helpful and mindful of any issues like tightness or injuries. She teaches a good mix of strenuous, moderate intensity and gentle classes. Since working with Jessi, I am far more flexible and I have way more core strength. I notice when I lift heavy objects or get up from lying down, my core automatically activates, which relieves my lower back. Jessi taught me mindful movement and breathing techniques are a key to healthy workouts and her mindfulness training spills over into my everyday life. She is a great listener and excellent motivator!"
Robert C.

It’s exhausting to yo-yo back and forth, not knowing what really works for your body. It’s time to stop playing guessing games with your health and fitness.

If you’re ready for a plan that will help tighten your tummy and increase your physical strength, while also helping you reduce the effects of stress and anxiety, then the 8-Week Holistic Strength Training is for you!

Jessi Rose McMaster Personal Training Program

Hi, I'm Jessi!

I’ve been injured A LOT. Which is why my coaching style focuses on strong foundations of mindfulness and core stability.

I combine techniques from Yoga, Pilates, Strength Training, Massage Therapy and Mindfulness to craft well thought out training plans to help you feel strong and confident in your body.


For the past 12 years, I’ve been helping people of all ages and fitness levels reframe their relationship with movement. As a Holistic Fitness Trainer, I not only train people’s bodies, I also help them cultivate positive mindsets and tools for mental well being & physical vitality.

My goal is to provide accessible health & fitness content & training in a welcoming space. I simplify how the body works to help you stay active & injury-free. 

There is no one-size-fits-all, but there are building blocks that we all can use to better understand what our body needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is an online training program from October 6th – November 29th, 2024

Training includes both live and prerecorded components.

All live components are recorded and replays are available

Hi, I’m Jessi Rose McMaster!

Holistic Fitness Trainer, Master Yoga Teacher & Teacher Trainer with Stella Luna Yoga School, Pilates Instructor, Massage Therapist & WellBeing Coach

✨ I am a coach – dedicated to empowering everyone I interact with to be their best selves.

✨ I am a teammate – who always shows up & delivers.

✨ I am an athlete – learning to befriend consistency, rather than revere intensity.

✨ I am a lioness – nurturing & strong.

✨ I am an artist – always innovating & exploring new tools.

This training is ideal for:

  • Anyone looking for a fitness plan that also educates you on how to use weights safely and effectively.
  • Anyone looking for modifications for tight shoulders, bad knees, sciatica pain or other injuries, but still wants to be able to use weights.
  • Anyone interested in how to incorporate resistance training into their regular routine.
  • Anyone who feels intimidated by weights, but wants to learn how to use them.
  • 8-week at home workout program geared towards building strength through progressive strength training & mindfulness. 
  • Access to 3 live 45-minute classes every week. Guided live on Zoom & recorded so you have the option to attend live or watch the replay.
  • Your live class weekly schedule includes:
    • MONDAYS 5:30pm PST – Yoga & Weights
    • WEDNESDAYS 5:30pm PST – Pilates & Weights
    • FRIDAYS 8am PST – Cardio & Strength
  • A calendar & action plan of your workout schedule, accompanied by video links to dive into the training. 
  • Weekly educational & inspirational emails with additional resources to keep you motivated & consistent.
  • Over $700 in BONUS training, includes: daily breathing practices, stretching videos, supplement guide, seasonal adjustment guide, Fall cleanse guide & more!
  • Online 
  • Live training sessions are on Zoom. Recorded & replays posted in a private YouTube playlist.
  • Training plans & BONUSES are sent via Google spreadsheet & PDFs
  • Weekly check-ins are done via text message, voice memos and/or Marco Polo

8-Week Holistic Strength Training = $399

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