Personal Training Program

Jessi’s customized personal training program will help you feel stronger, more connected, and confident in your body in just 90 days.

90 day Strength Training Program

This private personal training program is designed for the go-getter who is tired of playing guessing games with their health and fitness, and is ready for a plan to help them feel better, more energized and pain-free.

When it comes to your fitness, you’ve been exploring options and trying things on your own. 


You may have taken a few group classes, online fitness challenges and maybe even worked with personal trainers in the past. But it doesn’t last and you still feel disconnected with your body.

There’s an internal battle between where you currently are and where you think you should be.

And since you can’t exercise the way you used to, you struggle with staying injury-free and motivated.

Personal Training Program

Is This You?

"Jessi knows her stuff. I tried out lots of trainers before I found Jessi, but none of them knew functional anatomy or could correct my form like she does. Good form has helped me get results."
Mike S.

Finding the missing puzzle pieces in your fitness journey is my specialty.

My private Strength Training Program will help you feel stronger, more connected and confident in your body in just 90 days.

Personal Training Program

This personal training program is customized to fit your body, your needs and your goals.

It is carefully crafted to help you find exercise that you enjoy, and will strengthen your body without causing injury.

Inside, my 1-on-1 Strength Training Program you will receive:

  • One 30 minute kick off call via zoom to identify your needs, goals and weekly commitments.
  • Up to 8 private training sessions per month via Zoom. The session times and frequency are completely customized to your goals and schedule.
  • A customized calendar and action plan of your personal workout schedule, accompanied by video links. This tracker is distributed monthly and includes ways to track your daily routines and maintain consistency.
  • Weekly Consistency Coaching via text, voice memos and/or Marco Polo. Quick check-ins happen 1-3 times per week.
  • Over $900 per month in BONUS resources!

Let's design a strength training program to fit you! Schedule a free connection call

Personal Training Program

This Personal Training Program is for you if you’re:

  • struggling to connect with your abdominal muscles
  • suffering from SI joint instability and/or back pain
  • struggling to reconnect to your inner strength and sense of self
  • feeling stressed, fatigued and burnt out, and looking for a fitness regimen to help you feel strong
  • struggling to find time to take care of you and your body
  • confused about what exercises are right for your body
  • unsure about how to exercise
  • recovering from an injury and wanting to get back to doing what you love, but need to strengthen your core first
“Jessi is one of the very best fitness leaders I've known, Her cues are succinct and clear. She has a fun sense of humor. She peppers her routines with helpful information about anatomy and inspirational sayings or quotes to empower the class. If you are looking for a trainer, Jessi will get you results you were and were not expecting. You'll feel inspired, cared for, strong, and lighter on your feet and in your heart.”
Paul B.
Personal Training Program

I get it...

Exercise seems difficult and stressful when you don’t know where or how to begin, or you’re struggling to get back on track.


Working out can feel inconvenient when you have a million other things to take care of.


And even worse, it is really depressing, when you go to workout and you get injured.

What's Included with a Personal Training Program:

Inside, my 1-on-1 Strength Training Program you will receive:

  • One 30 minute kick off call via zoom to identify your needs, goals and weekly commitments.
  • Up to 8 private training sessions per month via Zoom. The session times and frequency are completely customized to your goals and schedule.
  • A customized calendar and action plan of your personal workout schedule, accompanied by video links. This tracker is distributed monthly and includes ways to track your daily routines and maintain consistency.
  • Weekly Consistency Coaching via text, voice memos and/or Marco Polo. Quick check-ins happen 1-3 times per week.
  • BONUS* Additional recovery, stretching, mobility and meditation practices sent as needed. (Value $250)
  • BONUS* Supplement Guide – includes suggested, all-natural, supplements to help enhance your workouts, increase your energy levels and improve your rest and recovery. (Value $111)
  • BONUS* Seasonal Adjustments Guide – includes recipes, lifestyle and fitness suggestions – from Ayurveda –  to best support you during the current season of the year. (Value $111)
  • BONUS* You will also receive access to my live group virtual classes. Classes are 45 minutes and occur live on zoom. (Value $288)

This package is completely customized for you, your goals and where you are in life – my 90-day package starts at $800. 

The first step is scheduling a free connection call

This program is built around you and your goals.

My holistic approach to fitness takes into account your mental, emotional and spiritual care, along with your physical fitness.

This program is designed not just to strengthen your body, but also to strengthen your confidence, mindset and overall well-being.

Personal Training Program

Even if other programs haven’t worked for you in the past, this program will, because:

“I was impressed how Jessi was able to help me gain more awareness around certain muscles and their function in my abdomen, even over zoom! After working with Jessi, I feel empowered in my body, with more access to my strength. Anytime people are looking for a trainer to help them get down to the core issue, I recommend Jessi.”
Juliet T.

You can no longer ignore your body.

It is time to approach your health and fitness in a different way.

To prioritize your inner strength and well-being.

Developing a better understanding of how you move and connect with your inner strength is what the Personal Strength Training Program is all about.

After this program you will:

Personal Training Program

Hi, I’m Jessi!

For the past 11 years, I’ve been helping people of all ages and fitness levels feel more grounded and connected to their body through mindful movement.

As a Holistic Fitness Trainer and Yoga Teacher, I don’t just focus on the physical body, I also address the role of mental and emotional health when it comes to overall well-being. My goal is to inspire you to befriend movement and to love your body, so you can live pain-free and motivated to take healthy action.


I practice what I preach, and I continue to learn and grow as a health and fitness professional. My coaching style focuses on strong foundations of body awareness and core stabilization. I combine techniques from Yoga, Pilates, Strength Training, Massage Therapy and Mindfulness to craft well thought out, customized training plans for individuals, business and corporations.

Jessi Rose McMaster Personal Training Program

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a renewable 3-month program tailored to your body & goals.

Jessi Rose McMaster


I am a coach – dedicated to empowering everyone I interact with to be their best selves.
I am a teammate – who always shows up & delivers.
I am an athlete – learning to befriend consistency, rather than revere intensity.
I am a lioness – nurturing & strong.
I am an artist – always innovating & exploring new tools.
  • Go-getters who are ready for an effective & efficient wellness plan.
  • Self-starters feeling stagnant with their current movement practice.
  • Newcomers to fitness who are not sure what their body needs & who would like to learn how to workout properly.
  • Procrastinators who lack the self-discipline to workout consistently.
  • Injury prone warriors who are scared of getting reinjured.
  • Former high school & college athletes looking for variety in their maintenance routines.
  • Pre-Wedding Prep – Bridal Bootcamp
  • Tone & Sculpt for swimsuit confidence & vacation readiness.
  • 3-month comprehensive training program:
    • One 30-minute kickoff call via zoom to identify your needs, goals & weekly commitments.
    • Up to 8 private training sessions per month via zoom – session time & frequency depends on your schedule & needs.
    • A calendar customized with your personal workout plan, video links & daily routines. Calendar is distributed monthly, via google spreadsheet & includes check boxes to track your consistency.
    • Weekly Consistency Coaching via text, voice memos and/or Marco Polo. Quick check-ins happen 1-3 times per week.
    • BONUS* Additional recovery, stretching, mobility & meditation practices sent as needed. (Value $250)
    • BONUS* Supplement Guide includes suggested, all-natural, supplements to help enhance your workouts, increase your energy levels & improve your rest & recovery. (Value $111)
    • BONUS* Seasonal Adjustments Guide – includes recipes, lifestyle & fitness suggestions – from Ayurveda –  to best support you during the current season of the year.  (Value $111)
    • BONUS* You will also receive access to my live group virtual classes. Classes are 30-45 minutes & occur on zoom. Depending on your needs & your schedule. (Value $288)
  • Online (unless otherwise arranged)
  • Live training sessions are on zoom, recorded for client’s reference only
  • Training plans are sent via Google spreadsheet & PDFs
  • Weekly check-ins are done via text message, voice memos and/or Marco Polo

3 month package begins at $800.

Let’s chat about how I can help you.

Schedule a free connection call

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