3 Ways to Maintain Your Workout Momentum through the Fall

An Ayurvedic approach to Fitness


Each season brings its own unique elements & characteristics.

Summer contains a lot of fire.

Spring is wet & earthy.

Winter is icy.

Autumn is a season of transformation. It is characterized by being windy & dry.


What your body needed in the Spring & Summer is different from what it needs in the Fall.

It is natural to feel a drop in energy transitioning from the busy & long summer days to the dryer & shorter days of fall. And you may find that your motivation to exercise dwindles a bit.

But, there are adjustments you can make during the fall season, so you aren’t left feeling tired or fatigued.


These suggestions come from Ayurveda, the science of adapting choices to create balance with your environment & your body.

It is the concept that you can achieve optimal health by making the appropriate seasonal adjustments for yourself.

Though the adjustments will vary from person to person, there are a few essential building blocks that we all can benefit from understanding.

So, let’s discuss how you can use what you know about this Fall season to help keep your body-mind-soul calm, clear & healthy.

To describe Fall, you could use characteristics like; dry, windy, cool, rough & empty.

These characteristics tend to aggravate or perpetuate things like;

achy muscles & joints,



dry skin/hair,



forgetfulness, &


All of these are examples of what is called in Ayurveda – vata imbalance.

In a very general description, this is when there is too much wind & air & not enough earth to keep us grounded.

To counteract these Fall qualities – that tend to throw us off balance – here are a few simple things to keep in mind:

  • Keep your body warm – cover your head & your feet.
  • Keeping your skin moisturized – apply oil to your skin before you bathe. This will lock in moisture & protect your skin from the hard water.
  • Sweat – exercise, get in a sauna – sweating will support cellular turnover thus, supporting the transformation process.

Now, let’s talk about how to make adjustments to the way you exercise, so you can stay motivated & not burn-out.

Since the fall season brings a lot of wind & dryness, it aggravates any potential for spaciness, overthinking & living in our heads.

When you workout, you want to focus on moving slower. And with intention, so you can get out of your head & into your body.

Here are 3 Ways to Maintain Your Workout Momentum through the Fall:

1. Focus on exercises that promote STABILITY & BALANCE.

For example: 

  • Pilates exercises that activate stabilizer muscles
  • unilateral exercises (single side) like split squats, single arm rows, etc.

2. SLOW DOWN – Do exercises a lot slower. Focus on longer holds & proper alignment.

  • This is a great season to do less reps with heavier weight.
  • Or take a yoga class & practicing syncing your movement with your breath.

For example: 

  • 5 slow, mindful squats may be better than 15 mindless, box jumps.
  • And a 90-second plank may be better than 20 mindless, push-ups.

3. UTILIZE THE OUTDOORS – As the weather cools off (and before it gets too cold) enjoy the outdoors. Especially for those of us working from home. Get outside, go for a daily walk/run. Plan a few hikes. Just remember to stay warm – cover your head & your feet.


STABILITY, WARMTH & SLOWING DOWN are key qualities to keep in mind during the Fall season.


Here is an example of a great workout for the fall season:

  • 15-20 minutes Yoga or Pilates Warm-Up

4 Rounds:

  • 8 Slow Squats balancing on a bozu ball
  • 30 seconds each Side Plank
  • 10 Slow Release Single Arm Rows each side


6 Slow Split Squats holding heavy weight each leg

And no matter what you choose to do, always:

????????listen to your body,

????????trust that you know your body best

????????& meet yourself right where you are.

I hope that this information serves to deepen your awareness & encourage your longevity.

Transformation will feel less scary when you are intentional about making a few simple adjustments to how you move through life.

If you’re looking for further guidance, try one of these movement practices:

30-minute Yoga for the Low Back  

20-minute Lower Body Strength Workout // Low Back Friendly



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