How to Safely Build Shoulder Strength and Increase Mobility

3 Exercises to Improve Your Posture + 5 Minute Mobility Routine

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body.

And this versatility also makes it the most prone to injury.


One out of four people experiences limiting shoulder pain.

Some shoulder injuries happen suddenly but most happen over time from repetitive motions.


In order to bulletproof our shoulders from injury and maintain full mobility, there are a few exercises I consider to be an essential part of any fitness routine.


Before we start the exercises, it helps to consider a few shoulder fundamentals.


From the shoulders is how we interact with the world around us.

From an energetic perspective, the shoulders and arms are how we reach for what we want and say no to what we don’t want.


Shoulder mobility and stability are important because our shoulders are an important part of how we experience the present moment and the world around us.


Because we can grab, hug, hold and drop things from our arms, they carry a lot of decision making responsibility. And this is a big reason why so many of us hold tension here.


When we have limited range of motion or pain in our shoulders, it’s challenging to focus on anything other than the discomfort and limitation. This takes us away from the present and holds us back from fully engaging in our experiences.


By becoming more attuned to how our shoulders feel and move, we become able to respond to changes and imbalances proactively. This heightened awareness can extend beyond the shoulders and positively impact our overall physical and mental well-being.


Less tension in the shoulders = more freedom to make choices that align with our best self.



How to Balance Stability and Mobility in your Shoulders


The shoulders need both mobility and stability in order to contribute to better posture and alignment. The shoulders ability to move around in a circle or brace against resistance is crucial for overall body mechanics and to be able to do functional movements like; reaching up into a high cupboard or reaching into the backseat of the car for a bag.


If the shoulders lack mobility – your range of motion will be limited and surrounding areas of the neck, elbows or even lower back may take the brunt of the strain.


If your shoulders lack stability – anytime you need to push, pull or pick something up, you put yourself at risk for injury.


Shoulder exercises are an excellent opportunity to practice mindful breathing and intentional movements.


Deliberate movements help us stay attuned to the progress in our shoulders and allows us to adjust movements or intensity based on any limitations.



How to test shoulder mobility (range of motion)

Before attempting any weight bearing shoulder exercises, you can use this three-part, shoulder mobility test to determine your range of motion.

This can safely be done at home and only takes a few minutes.


  1. Stand facing a wall, with your toes touching it.
  2. Then slowly reach one arm over your head to touch the wall in front of you with the flat of your palm.
  3. Next, slowly bring your hand down to touch the back of your head.
  4. Last, bring the arm down your side and try to reach it behind you to touch the opposite shoulder blade with the back of your hand.

Repeat with the other side.


Trouble with any of these movements could mean that you could benefit from some mobility exercises before continuing with weights.


Check out this 5 Minute Beginner Shoulder Mobility Routine.


Increase weight and resistance over time to build sustainable shoulder strength


Gradually increasing weight and intensity over time is essential.


One of the most common causes of injury occurs when people return to a familiar sport or activity after a period of inactivity and try to pick up where they left off.

If the shoulders aren’t properly prepared, a sudden increase in workload can easily result in painful strain or sprain.

Allow time to rest and reset.


It’s important to listen to our joints.


Inflammation or soreness means it’s time for a break. Many minor shoulder issues can resolve on their own after a few days. Use ice to relieve aches and bring down swelling.


We can rebalance our shoulders by incorporating both pushing and pulling movements.


Pushing movements, like holding plank position, help stabilize the humerus and strengthen the muscles in the front of the body.


Pulling movements, such as hanging from a pull up bar or doing a row, help mobilize the rotator cuff and strengthen the muscles in the back of the upper body.



Have a strong support system in your core.


Another way to reduce strain on the shoulder joint is to have a strong core. The shoulders require a wide support system of connected stabilizer muscles to safely handle heavy loads and perform basic movements, such as raising the arms overhead.


If the shoulders are connected to a strong core, there is less strain on the shoulder joint and less risk of injury.


Keep reminding yourself to relax and drop your shoulders.


Below you’ll find a free shoulder strengthening video you can do at home.



3 Shoulder Exercises to Improve Your Posture


1️⃣ Scapula Slides

– get your shoulder blades to slide and glide across your back. Up and down. Out and in.


2️⃣ Circles

– your arm attaches into your shoulder and creates a ball-n-socket joint. This joint type loves circles.  


3️⃣ Reach your arms behind your back.

Yes. It is that simple. If you are unable to grab your hands together behind your back, grab opposite ends of a strap or towel. Lift your arms up away from your back. And take 5 slow deep breaths.


Follow-along with this video: 5 Minute Shoulder Mobility


You deserve to feel good in your body.


Mindful movement will help. Go slow. Listen to your body. And breathe.


-jessi rose


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