How Gratitude Improves Health

3 Simple ways to add more gratitude into your life


Do you ever feel incomplete?

Do you find yourself feeling unsatisfied with your projects, your situation or even life?

Do you find yourself saying things like “it should be,” “I wish I had that,” & “why me?”


The difference between feeling – complete or incomplete – satisfied or dissatisfied – is an intentional practice of gratitude.

Now, don’t just take my word for it.

There have been plenty of studies on the subject.


This 2017 study compared the heart rates of individuals when experiencing gratitude versus experiencing resentment. The study concluded that a sense of gratitude promotes a happier life, whereas resentment encourages feelings of dissatisfaction with life.


Five studies done in 2011 found that gratitude reduced aggression & promoted more generous behavior. This increase in empathy for others has been found to improve relationships & sense of co-existing with other humans.


This 2013 study examined the correlation between gratitude & physical health. It found that because of the numerous psychological health benefits, practicing gratitude can also improve physical health. Because when you practice gratitude you are more inclined to participate in healthier activities.


Gratitude is the practice of creating opportunities to express your appreciation. And the intentional expression of appreciation generates positive qualities within you.


Developing an attitude of gratitude is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life.

This is an often overlooked tool that is completely free & with you 24/7.



3 Simple Ways to Add More Gratitude into your Life:

Strengthen your gratitude muscles by pausing to say “thank you” before you eat a meal.

Here’s a prayer I like to say before meals:

“Thank you for this food. And all the energy that went into creating it.

Thank you to the hands that grew the vegetables & cared for the animals.

Thank you to the hands that prepared this beautiful meal.

May it bring my body nourishment & satisfaction.”

Gratitude improves mental strength – feelings of gratitude combat symptoms of depression & anxiety. When you practice gratitude you notice more good things in life. You become attuned to the ways others are good to you & you develop a stronger sense of personal value.

Your mind becomes clearer & your self-esteem gets a boost.


2. Say a few “thank yous” when you lay in bed. *this is also a great practice when you are having trouble falling asleep. 

Here’s an example:

“Thank you for the experiences of today. Thank you for what I learned from today.

Thank you for this bed. Thank you for this shelter. Thank you for this ability to acknowledge the good things in my life. May my sleep tonight cleanse my mental palette, so I wake tomorrow clear & ready for life.”

Gratitude improves your sleep – gratitude lowers your heart rate & calms you down. It also reduces the amount of toxic emotions in the body. When you feel satisfied, complete & content you sleep better.


3. While you brush your teeth, look at yourself in the mirror (make eye contact) & in your mind say a few positive affirmations.

Some of my favorite empowering affirmations are:

“It is my time to shine.”

“People want to hear what I to say.”

“Damn girl, you look good.”

Gratitude increases physical longevity – this human experience is not a sprint, it is a marathon. And feelings of worry, shame & not-good-enoughness cause bad posture, illness & stress.

Because of the effects of gratitude on your brain & your mental health, your physical health also improves.

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