8 Simple Ways to Give Back During the Holidays

Discover simple ways to give back during the holiday season. From adopting a family with cancer to donating toys and clothes, find your way to make a meaningful difference!

Build Strength By Being of Service

At our core, in order to feel fulfilled, we all need a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives. We are tribal organisms and feeling like we are a contribution to those arounds us is a vital part of our physical and mental health.

When you feel like you are contributing to the common good, you feel less stressed and are able to live with a sense of gratitude.


Being of service to someone in need helps us to feel useful and connected to something larger than ourselves.

Recent studies have actually shown that people who volunteer their time or make donations have lower levels of chronic inflammation and increased longevity.


It really doesn’t matter what your reasons for helping someone less fortunate are. It can be spiritual, altruistic, religious, financial or even health related. When we go out of our way to help someone else, we end up helping ourselves.

I believe being of service is an important part of living a full, healthy and meaningful life.


Which is why I put together this quick guide to giving back this holiday season.


Here are 8 easy ways you can be of service and pay it forward:


1) Bringing Hope Home – Adopt a family struggling with cancer

So many families are one crisis away from homelessness. Bringing Hope Home was created to help support families struggling because of a cancer diagnosis. Their adopt-a-family program gives you the options to donate gift cards, directly pay a family’s bills or start a fundraising campaign for a family in need.


2) Red Cross – Holiday Giving Program

The Red Cross makes donating personal and easy by allowing you to choose the cause you want to support and much you’d like to give. They also give you the option of making a donation in a loved one’s name as a gift. They will send a complimentary holiday card to a recipient of your choice. You can choose to donate to provide shelter, food, disaster relief, vaccinations, blood services or veterans services.


3) Salvation Army – Angel Tree Program

Recognizing that every child deserves to feel the joy of Christmas, The Salvation Army Angel Tree program provides Christmas trees, new clothing and toys to more than one-million children in need each year. Once a child is accepted as an Angel, donors like you can shop for their Christmas wish list. Simply pick a tag off the Angel Tree located inside your local Walmart store or click the link to follow the instructions to shop online using Walmart’s Spark Good Registry. Once the gifts are received, The Salvation Army will distribute them to families in need for Christmas morning.


4) Marine Toys for Tots Foundation – Find your local campaign

Toys for Tots has local campaigns across the country that make it possible to help children in your area by donating toys. Most local campaigns have in-person drop off locations or their own Amazon link that can be used to view wish-lists and buy toys remotely. Or you can make a cash donation by clicking here, 97% of all donations go directly to providing toys to disadvantaged children. If you know of any families struggling this year, Toys for Tots also makes it easy to request a toy for a child in need.


5) Soldiers Angels – Military and Veteran Adopt-a-family

Soldiers Angels helps support military families who live on a very tight budget. Their adopt-a-family program pairs donors with a family in need, who you directly buy gifts and groceries gift cards for. It is a special and personal way to give back to the men and women who protect our country.


6) USPS Operation Santa

Read letters to Santa and help make a holiday wish come true. The USPS receives thousands of letters to Santa each year and most go unopened. Operation Santa is an easy and fun way to bring the magic of Christmas to a child. Sign up now so you’re ready when letter adoption begins on November 20.


7) Make-a-Wish – Donate hope to sick children

The Make-a-Wish foundation delivers hope to children dealing with critical illnesses by making wishes come true. Their website makes it easy to contribute any amount that you can.


8) Cradles to Crayons – Donate clothes directly to a child

Cradles to Crayons pairs children in need with donors who are willing to provide two new or gently used outfits. It’s an inexpensive way to make a difference for a child experiencing clothing insecurity.



This world is full of “problems.” I hope this post inspires you to spend more of your energy being a part of the solution.


Most of these organizations also have local chapters near you that are looking for volunteers if you prefer something more hands-on.


Almost all of these 8 options have the added bonus of being tax deductible. There’s really no reason not to.


Cheers to being a part of the solution ✌


-jessi rose

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