Desk Yoga for Neck Pain & Better Posture

13 Minute Quick Stretch to Relieve Tech Neck & Pain


Are you looking for solutions to tech neck?

Does upper back & neck pain interfere with your ability to focus or relax?


Screen time keeps increasing & it’s important to be aware of the impact that can have on our posture.

But, you don’t have to learn to live with neck & back pain. There are ways to improve your posture & relieve your discomfort without ever leaving your desk.


Taking a little time to consciously breathe, move & stretch can go a long way towards removing tension & pain.



This quick yoga video is done from your chair & only takes 13 minutes.

Taking this quick, productive self-care break will help you relieve neck & upper back tension, which will improve your focus, calm your nervous system so you can go about your day pain free.

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